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April 9, 2024

At Heritage House Childcare & Early Learning Centres, we understand the importance of instilling healthy habits in children from a young age. One of the most beneficial habits is regular physical activity, and what better way to achieve this than through sports? Getting children into sports promotes physical health and teaches valuable life skills like teamwork, perseverance, and discipline. Here are some tips to help parents and caregivers encourage children to embrace sports:


Lead by Example

Children often mimic the behaviours of the adults around them. If parents and caregivers lead active lifestyles and participate in sports themselves, children are more likely to follow suit. Take the opportunity to engage in physical activities together as a family, whether it’s going for a bike ride, playing soccer in the backyard, or going for a swim.

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Introduce Variety

Expose children to various sports and physical activities at a young age to help them discover what they enjoy most. Offer opportunities to try different sports through local community programs, after-school clubs, or summer camps. Childcare with all-inclusive extracurricular programs like at Heritage House, is a fantastic way to introduce sport into your child’s life in a comfortable social setting. Heritage House Sports Club provides opportunities to increase your child’s gross motor, fine motor, social, emotional and cognitive developmental functions with age-appropriate and well-structured movement-based programs. When it comes to introducing sports to children, there’s something for every child’s interests and abilities.

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Make it Fun

Keep sports enjoyable and lighthearted to maintain children’s interest. Focus on the fun aspects of the activity rather than solely on competition or performance. Incorporate games, challenges, and playful elements into sports sessions to keep children engaged and motivated.

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Provide Positive Reinforcement

Celebrate children’s efforts and achievements in sports, no matter how big or small. Positive reinforcement boosts their confidence and encourages them to continue participating. Encourage a growth mindset by emphasising the importance of effort and improvement over winning or losing.

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Create a Supportive Environment

Foster a supportive and inclusive environment where children feel safe to explore and experiment with different sports. Encourage teamwork, cooperation, and good sportsmanship, emphasising values like respect, empathy, and fairness. While there’s no harm in encouraging children into sports that you also enjoy but ultimately the decision must be theirs. By allowing them to choose a sport that appeals to their interests they will be much more likely to stay committed long term.

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Balance Structure with Freedom

Find a balance between structured sports activities and unstructured playtime. While organised sports offer valuable lessons in discipline and teamwork, free play allows children to develop creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills.

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Emphasise Health Benefits

Educate children about the numerous health benefits of regular physical activity, including stronger muscles and bones, improved cardiovascular health, better mood, and enhanced cognitive function (in a child-friendly manner!). Help them understand that sports are not only fun but also essential for their overall well-being.

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By implementing these strategies, parents and caregivers can help children develop a lifelong love of sports and physical activity. At Heritage House Childcare & Early Learning Centres, we’re committed to nurturing the holistic development of every child, and sports play a crucial role in achieving this goal. If you are interested in learning about our all-inclusive extracurricular programs, contact us or book a tour!