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May 7, 2024

Today, we’re diving into a topic that most parents face: teething. As your child’s teeth start to emerge, it can be a challenging time for both baby and parent alike. But fear not! We’re here to share some tried and tested tips to help ease your child’s teething troubles and make this phase a little more manageable.


Understanding Teething

Teething is the process of a baby’s first teeth breaking through their gums – ouch! In general, babies start cutting teeth around the age of 6 months. This is general though as there are some babies who are in fact born with teeth and others who may get teeth as late as 12 to 18 months.


Symptoms of Teething

Excessive Drooling: Teething triggers increased saliva production, leading to noticeable drooling in babies. This excess drool can sometimes result in the development of a rash on the chin.

Irritability and Sleep Disturbances: The emergence of teeth can cause discomfort and pain for babies as they push through the gums. This is especially true for the initial set of teeth, including canines and molars. At this early stage, when the gums are still relatively firm, babies may find the sensation particularly unsettling.

Biting on Objects: Throughout the teething process, babies will instinctively gnaw on various objects. This biting action helps alleviate pressure in the gums, facilitating the eruption of the tooth through the surface.

Swollen, Red Gums: As teeth begin to emerge, it’s common for the gums to become swollen and red. This inflammation is a natural response as the teeth gradually push through the gum tissue.


Tried and Tested Tips

1. Teething Toys: Invest in a variety of teething toys made from safe materials like silicone or rubber. These toys provide something safe and soothing for your baby to chew on, helping to alleviate teething discomfort.

2. Cold Compresses: Cold can help numb the gums and provide relief from teething pain. Try offering your baby a chilled teething ring or washcloth to gnaw on.

3. Gentle Massage: Using clean fingers, gently massage your baby’s gums to help soothe the pain. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before doing so.

4. Over-the-Counter Remedies: Talk to your pediatrician about safe over-the-counter teething remedies such as teething gels or infant pain relievers. Follow the recommended dosage carefully.

5. Distraction: Sometimes, a little distraction can work wonders. Engage your baby in gentle play or offer them a favourite toy to help take their mind off the discomfort.

6. Comforting Snuggles: Sometimes, all your baby needs is some extra love and cuddles. Offer plenty of comfort and reassurance during this challenging time.

7. Teething Biscuits: Once your baby is old enough to start solids, consider offering teething biscuits or cold, soft foods like yogurt or purees. The pressure from chewing can help soothe sore gums.

8. Stay Patient: Remember, teething is a temporary phase, although it may not feel like it in the moment. Stay patient and reassure yourself that this too shall pass.


By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, we strive to make the teething process as comfortable and manageable as possible for the families in our care at Heritage House. We hope these tried and tested tips help you navigate the teething journey with confidence. And remember, if you ever have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician for guidance.